
Highest! Ever!! TV Market Share!!! Football frags fragmentation

ZDF 89.2% : 10.8% for the rest ! Pubcaster ZDF's market share triumph even outshines Germanys 4:0 soccer victory against Argentina. And of course it is precisely thanks to this world championship game that ZDF now holds the all-time market share record in the history of German television.
World Champion ship rights gave both leading pubcasters, ARD and ZDF, a welcome shares lift, especially among younger viewers who usually shun their fare: In June ZDF almost doubled its share among the 14-49 ad target from 5.9% to 11.7% while ARD grew from 7.2% to 12.3% compared to May. And the championship only started on june 11th!
Sure these audience gains are short lived but German pubcasters can count on outbidding commercial rivals for major sports rights in years to come. The public broadcasting system is comfortably funded with ca 9bn € (11bn$) in guaranteed fees per year. All commercial broadcasters combined make about half as much, of course depending on the fickle ad market.
No surprise commercial channel RTL only got the crumbs, i.e.: championship games between countries their viewers would not find on a map.
But wait, that could be a lot of countries. On RTL 2's Big Brother two of the inmates were given the task to pinpoint the 32 countries participating - they misplaced 29 - see below

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